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Long Stay Reviews

Long Stay is rated 9 /10 by 66 customers.

Viewing reviews 1 - 30 of 66

Long Stay

Can't fault it easy from start to finish

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Don't charge me twice

5 out of 5
Long Stay

No issues

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Reduce price, slightly expensive

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Really good service

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Simple arrangements that were very easily followed.

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Due to the bollards being in place and poor car park signage at Doncaster - maybe clearer information on entering car park and post code re long and short stay. Also could thee be a better rate for 8 day stay (flights from USA) always take you into 8th day for a weeks holiday. Just a thought.

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Poor signage parked in the wrong car park- realized when I had checked in spoilt holiday experience. Could not exit car park as I was in wrong car park- not the best experience when you have paid in advance. Surely signage could be improved?

2 out of 5
Long Stay

Details on ticket collection or reg recognition would have helped.

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Very Expensive parking due to a dearth of competition, this would kill Doncaster AP but for the fuel crises...which may kill it anyway. Secondly, on entering the Longstay car park Google maps told me I was in the wrong place! I was not sure until I got home if I was going to have to pay to get out.

4 out of 5
Long Stay

Make sure the cameras work on the number plates

3 out of 5
Long Stay

Don't need to improve first class service

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Clear instructions on entry and exiting car park would have been good. I had no idea of the procedure of getting out of the carpark, if I needed to take ticket to in terminal machine to put in code in or whether to drive up to barrier?

1 out of 5
Long Stay

Doncaster airport did not have an automatic reg identifier so had to speak to someone at exit gate, even though l had a code etc.

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Just a bit worried has didn’t recognise my car number but all good straight out after pressing button to talk to them

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Efficient, easy booking process with good communication

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Doncaster parking would be excellent if the barrier recognised numbers to leave!

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Great facility at Doncaster Sheffield

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Answer at barrier quicker

4 out of 5
Long Stay

All was perfect

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Very good

5 out of 5
Long Stay

No improvement, all went well

5 out of 5
Long Stay

once again you failed to recognise our registration number when we approached the barrier and therefore had the hassle of having to call the office on our return to gain exit ,the last time being approx 4 months ago .

4 out of 5
Long Stay

Easy to find, reads the number plate, take a ticket, it is close to the terminal minutes walk at the most. Perfect for late arrivals back in the UK. Only thing no attendants if your car won't start!

4 out of 5
Long Stay

vehicle registration number did not record on entry consequently had to make contact on leaving manually to lift barrier

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Not sure if it’s purple parking to blame but number plate recognition was useless and we had to get someone from the airport to open barrier. Cars were backed up as others had the same problem.

3 out of 5
Long Stay

Everything fine, no issues.

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Did not receive acknowledgement of booking&had to contact them. Not a good start !!!😕

4 out of 5
Long Stay

Good directions. Easy safe parking. Reasonable price

5 out of 5
Long Stay

Nothing to improve, we pulled straight in got parked very close to airport, coming home ticket in machine away we went no problems what so ever

5 out of 5
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