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Childcare Abroad - What to Look For

So, you've made it abroad as a family to relax and unwind, but the kids are demanding your constant attention. How can you fully relax? That's where children's clubs come in handy. Drop them off in the morning, and enjoy a few worry-free hours to yourself. No need to stress about where they are or what they're up to!

Kids Clubs

Most hotels have kids clubs that cater to children up to their early teens, offering a variety of activities to keep them entertained. These clubs usually split children into age groups to ensure age-appropriate activities. For instance, teenagers might prefer internet time and socialising with peers, while younger kids might enjoy crafts and games. These clubs typically run for a couple of hours per session, providing a great way for kids to have fun indoors or in the shade during the hottest parts of the day.

While this sounds fantastic, you might have some reservations about leaving your child with someone you don't know. That's perfectly normal! Here's a guide on what to look for and ask about when choosing the right childcare abroad.

Hotel Offerings

First, consider where you're staying. Hotels booked through travel agents often have English-speaking childminders in their kids clubs. These staff members should be first aid certified and have the necessary qualifications and experience to work with children.

It's helpful to ask questions such as: How many children can the club accommodate? What is the child-to-staff ratio? What types of activities are planned? What are the emergency procedures?

When checking out the kids club, ensure the environment is welcoming, and the staff are friendly. Look for health and safety hazards like loose wires and ensure toys and equipment are in good condition. The area should be clean and child-friendly, with well-kept decor. Most importantly, observe whether the children look like they're having fun.

Fun for Everyone

Kids clubs are a fantastic way for children to learn and develop new skills, including social skills. They might get bored being around their parents all the time, especially if you plan to visit cultural sites or museums. Kids clubs allow children to be themselves, make new friends, and participate in arts and crafts, sports, treasure hunts, and more, all in a safe, supervised environment. Plus, you get to enjoy some grown-up time however you wish!

*Content correct at time of writing and subject to change.

Childcare Abroad - What to Look For

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