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Eating and Drinking Safely Overseas

All too often, travellers find themselves caught out with tummy bugs or stomach illnesses like Delhi Belly or Traveller's Diarrhoea when travelling. Most of the time, these need little more than rest and rehydration to treat, but there are also times when consuming the wrong types of food and drink can leave holidaymakers seriously ill.

Taking time to consider where your food and drink come from can help avoid any inconvenient illnesses that could spoil your time away.

Here are some top tips for staying safe while eating and drinking overseas.

Where am I most at risk of getting sick?

As long as you're careful, you can easily travel anywhere in the world without getting sick. However, those travelling to the Middle East, Africa, Central and South America, and many parts of Asia are most at risk of developing sickness from food. Travellers within Western Europe, the USA, Australia, and New Zealand have a lower risk but are still susceptible if food or drink is not prepared properly. Those visiting Eastern European countries, Russia, South Africa, and some Caribbean islands have an 'intermediate' risk. See the National Travel Health Network and Centre's health risk map for more information on individual countries.

Safe Drinking

Check the health risk map before you travel just to be sure, but you can generally rest assured that water from European Union countries, the USA, New Zealand, Australia, and Canada is well-treated and safe to drink. In some drier countries, it may taste strange due to the treatment process, but it's unlikely to make you sick. However, if you're unsure or don't want to take any risks, it's best to purchase bottled water.

For countries where treated mains water is unavailable, stick to bottled water as much as possible. Check the seal is intact before purchasing. If you're unable to find any, boil the water yourself or use iodine/chlorine tablets to cleanse any impurities. It's worth carrying a few of these from home in case of emergencies.

Be cautious with ice and salads that may have been rinsed in countries without treated water. However, beverages such as hot tea, coffee, wine, beer, fizzy drinks, and fruit juices should be safe to drink, particularly if you can see them being freshly prepared.

Safe Eating

European countries are rarely the issue here; generally, it's long-haul destinations that pose higher risks to your health. However, it's always worthwhile being as vigilant as possible, wherever you're travelling.

Ease yourself into new foods gently to give your digestive system an opportunity to get used to any exotic spices.

Hot, fresh, and cooked are the key words to remember when it comes to eating anywhere in the world, whether at home or overseas. Aim to eat freshly prepared dishes and avoid uncooked food unless you know that the fruit, vegetables, or shellfish have been freshly peeled or shelled.

Also, stay cautious with fish and shellfish in certain countries, as well as unpasteurised milk. If in doubt, boil the milk to keep it safe. Cheese and yogurts can also be risky. This can mean that ice cream from street vendors isn't always as reliable as the ice cream vans back home.

Food from street vendors is an exciting way to taste local cuisine. However, if you're prone to a sensitive stomach and would rather not take the risk, stick to restaurant food instead. Check reviews online before going to create a list of reputable food establishments at your destination. It may be best to eat meat from street vendors earlier in the day rather than towards the evening, in case it's not properly refrigerated.

If you're eating BBQ-prepared food, ensure the meat is cooked thoroughly before you eat it.

What Should I Do If I Get Sick?

If you have a mildly upset stomach, simply rest and drink plenty of fluids rehydration is incredibly important for recovery. Carry diarrhoea medication and rehydration sachets for emergencies. However, seek medical aid if you also suffer from a fever, have blood in your stools, or show signs of dehydration. If in doubt, seek medical attention straight away it's always better to be safe than sorry. For more information on Traveller's Diarrhoea and its effects, visit the relevant page.

*Content correct at time of writing and subject to change.

Eating and Drinking Safely Overseas

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