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Five Tips for Making Family Flying Easier

The family holiday is that special time of the year when you can all head off to some distant, exotic place and marvel at its beauty. Experiencing a wonderful attraction or famous landmark together is priceless. But before you can bask in the joys of your destination, you have to navigate through the airport and onto the plan - a task many families dread.

But worry not! We've got you covered with these top tips and tricks to make flying with your family a breeze:

Prep, Prep, and More Prep!

Preparation is key when travelling with kids. Start from the moment you book your flights. Make sure everything is catered to your needs for when you arrive. Travelling with a baby? Ensure you have a carrycot or child seat ready for when you board. Worried about fitting the buggy into your luggage allowance? Check with your airline about special baggage options for families.

Most airlines allow you to print your boarding passes before you fly. This simple step can save you precious time at the airport. Consider getting a small folder or wallet to hold all your travel documents in one place, so you're not constantly rummaging through bags and pockets.

Small Distractions

This might be your first family flight, and there's no way of knowing if your child will be a nervous flyer. They may take to it like a duck to water, or they may cry the entire journey. Have a plan ready just in case. Bring along some electronic items like an iPad or a Nintendo DS to keep them entertained. If you prefer non-electronic distractions, colouring books, packs of cards, or interactive books like Where's Wally or puzzle books can work wonders.

An Early Visit from Santa

This tip is bound to be a hit with your kids! Before your holiday, let them choose a new toy or two. Then, don't let them play with them until you're at the airport. The excitement of unwrapping a new toy at the airport and playing with it on the plane is a surefire way to keep them occupied.

Preparing Your Child for the Airport

If it's your child's first trip to the airport, it can be a daunting experience. Airports are big, noisy places that can overwhelm children. About a week before your trip, explain what the airport is and what it will be like. This way, they'll know what to expect and won't be as frightened. For young children, consider role-playing the airport experience so they understand procedures like taking off shoes or walking through security scanners.

The Best Travel Times

The last thing you want on a plane is your child being hyperactive with no place to expend their energy. Try to book flights at times when your child is likely to be calm or sleepy, such as early in the morning, late at night, or during their usual nap time. This can help them settle down and even sleep through most of the flight, making the journey more pleasant for everyone.

*Content correct at time of writing and subject to change.

Five Tips for Making Family Flying Easier

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